CEA Think Tank Detektor

CEA Think Tank Detektor provides open-source intelligence on populist disinformation and geopolitical risks for Croatia and transatlantic institutions. Therefore, CEA detects Russian and Chinese influence. Accordingly, CEA strongly stands for designing and promoting fact-based policymaking, and arguments-based rational discussions based on strong moral virtues.


That is in line with CEA’s vision to bring the light of freedom and fact-based policymaking. Also, that fits CEA’s mission to be the Croatian frontrunner in the initiation of building more secure, free, and competitive institutions shared between transatlantic partners.

Moreover, CEA stands for individual liberty, a free market, law and orderand the transatlantic and global security alliance. These values and policies are essential elements of the transatlantic institutions.


Political Perceptions about China in Central Europe 

Neupitan je euroatlantski smjer naše zemlje
Naša je zemlja na dobrom smjeru
Disinformation as Geopolitical Risk for Transatlantic Institutions
Post-truth in the context of disinformation and a risk for fact-based policymaking (conference)
Populist Conspiracy Narratives and Other Forms of Disinformation in Croatia
Overview of the Russian disinformation narratives
Dezinformacije se najbolje šire kroz populizam
Postoji li kriza liberalne demokracije?
Sigurnost, energija, obrana – pregled ključnih odluka

Kolumne (HR)

Tjedan koji je promijenio Europu
Rat koji je promijenio svijet
Ruski veleposlanik u BiH je ratni huškač
Mnogi političari su obožavali Putina


Liberal democracy cannot be taken for granted. Many of its key values and institutions are at risk due to populist-driven conspiracy narratives, irrational demagogy, and repeated lies. This way, disinformation affects the long-term destiny of market-oriented reforms, economic development and security, and the rule of law. Moreover, the destiny of the EU and NATO-led liberal international order is at risk. Disinformation undermines public trust in the important values of open societies.

EU & NATO policy

To combat this problem, the European Commission’s Action Plan against Disinformation provides policy guidelines for the EU and its member states. The policy area relevant to this project is „Raising awareness and improving societal resilience“. Accordingly, it is focused on a better understanding of disinformation sources, specialized training, debates, supporting independent media, quality journalism, and media literacy skills, supporting multidisciplinary teams of fact-checkers and researchers, cross-border cooperation, and a functional European network of fact-checkers.

Furthermore, the European Commission’s European Democracy Action Plan strives to counter disinformation across the EU by empowering EU citizens to make informed decisions, mostly through education and media literacy. The plan also envisages promoting free and fair elections, media freedom, and political advertising transparency. All these policies are needed to defend the stability of democratic institutions and European values, including freedom of expression.

Finally, the Brussels Summit confirmed the NATO policy on disinformation. Therefore, NATO continues to guarantee individual liberty, democracy, human rights, and the rule of law. At the same time, Russia poses a threat to Euro-Atlantic security, while China’s ambitions are a systemic challenge.


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