CEA Think Tank Detektor detects disinformation and provides intelligence associated with geopolitical risks based on Russian, Iranian, Chinese, Serbian, and other foreign influences. Such influences significantly affect the fundamental values of freedom and transatlantic institutions.
However, unlike many ideologically biased actors on the progressive left, CEA avoids fact-checking and interferences hindering classical values of individual liberty, including free speech. Moreover, CEA combines disinformation and the context of geopolitical risks.
Policy analysis and articles
Disinformation as Geopolitical Risk for Transatlantic Institutions
Disinformation against the State of Israel
The Hamas Charter goes against human freedom
Croatian students and pro-Palestinian activities
Political Perceptions about China in Central Europe
Religious and economic freedom are connected
Populist Conspiracy Narratives and Other Forms of Disinformation in Croatia
Overview of the Russian disinformation narratives
Croatian President on Russian aggression
Dezinformacije će produljiti vladavinu terorizma
Moguće toleriranje antiizraelske propagande na hrvatskom javnom fakultetu?
Neupitan je euroatlantski smjer naše zemlje
Naša je zemlja na dobrom smjeru
Dezinformacije se najbolje šire kroz populizam
Postoji li kriza liberalne demokracije?
Sigurnost, energija, obrana – pregled ključnih odluka
Terorističko djelovanje Ruske Federacije nad kritičnom infrastrukturom Ukrajine
Vukovarski kriteriji članstva Srbije u EU
Ukrajina ima pravo na pobjedu i pravedan mir