Daniel Hinšt is the Vice President of the Centre for Public Policy and Economic Analysis (CEA). He cooperates with several American and European think tanks that advocate freedom and transatlantic institutions. He regularly provides policy analysis for Arhivanalitika.hr.
At the Faculty of Political Science in Zagreb, he became a Master of European Studies and graduated in Political Science, specializing in public policy, public management, development, international relations, and diplomacy. Accordingly, his additional study and later research interests are Euro-Atlantic integrations, macroeconomic policy, geopolitics, national security and intelligence services, religion and politics, Protestantism and capitalism.
Svinaweb & Marketing odjel: Digital marketing academy (two certifications)
Swiss School of Business and Management: Certified Risk Professional certificate
North Carolina State University: Enterprise Risk Management Initiative-certificates with CPE credits: Overview of Enterprise Risk Management: The Basics of Launching ERM for Strategic Value; Executive Perspectives on Top Risks in 2023 and 2032; Top Risks for 2023: An Internal Audit Perspective; 2023 Healthcare Industry Top Risks
University System of Georgia: A General Approach to Risk Management certificate; Dominant Risk Management Standards and Frameworks certificate; Cybersecurity Foundations for Risk Management certificate
Six Sigma Amsterdam: Enterprise Risk Management Expert With FMEA and ISO 31000 certificate
Leiden University: EU policy and implementation certificate; Risk in Modern Society certificate; Security and Safety Challenges in a Globalized World certificate; The Changing Global Order certificate
Princeton: Global Systemic Risk; University of Adelaide: Risk Management for Projects
HarvardX: U.S. Public Policy: Social, Economic, and Foreign Policies certificate
IE University: Intelligence Tools for the Digital Age
Robert Folker: Intelligence Analyst Certification
Infokatedra: Accounting (certificate)
He is employed in the Croatian Ministry of Economy, where he works on EU single market policy and services market liberalization.
Also, based on approved additional job, Daniel Hinšt is the owner of Ermark, focused on Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) and digital marketing, and a consultant for the consultant for Poland’s company EPRD Policy & Development.
Ekonomski Lab; ex-Banka.hr; Glas Slavonije; Index.hr; Vecernji.hr; Jutarnji.hr; Pametni gradovi; Dugi Rat Online; Talas.rs; energypress; Direktno.hr; Dnevno.hr
Scientific: New Public Management–Public Policy for Institutional Reforms; Methodology of measuring economic freedom; Disinformation as Geopolitical Risks for Transatlantic Institutions / ResearchGate; Academia.edu; ORCID; RePEc; EconPapers; Central and Eastern European Online Library; Biblioteka Narodowa (Poland)
Additional: Institutions behind Competitive Global Rankings; Assessing Croatia’s policy performance within the EU; Policy Risks to the United Future of Europe; Danish Flexicurity Model; Adam Smith 300
Conferences: security of the Three Seas Initiative; disinformation and risks for policymaking; policymaking based on the global methodologies; migration policy and competitiveness
Lectures: University of Osijek: methodology of economic freedom and necessary structural reforms; The Atlantic Council of Croatia – Policy risks associated with hybrid threats
Seminars: Southern Methodist University (Dallas); European Values Center for Security Policy (Prague); Lithuanian Free Market Institute (Vilnius); Atlas Network (New York), etc.
Partner: Bertelsmann Foundation–Transatlantic Periscope; Warsaw Institute; Council on Geostrategy
Rotary Club Zagreb Ilica, ex-treasurer
Society of Germans in Croatia – Zagreb
Evangelical (Lutheran) church in Zagreb, member of the Presbytery
Matica Hrvatska